Since 2003 the Friends of Mangemangeroa, in association with Forest and Bird Society, have been proud to help develop and maintain the iconic Mangemangeroa Valley Reserve, for the benefit of both present and future generations of citizens within and beyond Auckland.
We cannot do this without support. Howick Local Board have provided grants to contribute towards the costs of our annual planting programme and supplies needed for ongoing maintenance. But, equally importantly, we rely on subscriptions and charitable donations to cover the additional costs required for plant propagation and planting, and the materials and equipment used for regular ongoing maintenance. A large and vibrant membership supports our case at the times that we are applying for local grants, and demonstrates the value placed on this asset by the wider community.
If you enjoy using this facility – even on only the odd occasion – we ask that you consider joining the Friends. An annual subscription is only $10 single, or $15 for a family. This represents superb value for money when considering what the Reserve provides. You will be contributing to the maintenance of a superb recreational facility providing green space, environmental sustainability and educational opportunities for school children. You will be ensuring future generations will continue to enjoy what you have also enjoyed. You are creating a legacy for the future.
Friends of Mangemangeroa is also a registered charity. If you wish to make a charitable donation then any amount over $5.00 can be claimed towards a tax rebate.
Our bank account is 12-3132-0068510-000.
When making a payment please include your name and specify if the payment is for membership (mem) or a donation (don). It would also be helpful to email our Treasurer with your name and date of payment. If you require a receipt for tax purposes then please mention this in the email.
If you wish to become more actively involved then there are many opportunities, ranging from our annual planting days; watering seedlings under propagation; through to helping with school programmes; involvement with pest trapping, and regular weekly weeding. Contact Deborah Grant ( for general information, or, for weeding, Sally Barclay (