Allan was the Chairman of the Friends of Mangemangeroa Society Incorporated unopposed since its inception in 2002. During this time Allan liaised with councils, Rotary clubs, schools, South Auckland Forest and Bird, local Chinese and Indian communities and other community conservation groups including Whitford Estuary Conservation Society and Friends of Lot 29 Estuary Views. Also, Pest Free Howick of which he was an establishing member. Allan achieved the aim of setting up a network of plant nurseries at schools and residential properties and during his 20 years as chairman more than 100,000 trees have been eco-sourced and raised in these nurseries and planted on the 41 hectares of the combined estuary reserves. Allan has always been actively involved in the planting and organising of the community planting days.
Allan, along with the committee, redeveloped the entire plan for restoration and planting and extended the walkways through to Hayley Lane and Point View Drive. Along with other founding members he provided the impetus for installation of the extensive system of board walks while insisting that the management, development and restoration must be kept active through the FOM Partnership Agreement with Auckland Council and the Howick Local Board. These were extensively revised in 2019 with Allan as the driving force in coordinating the various parties involved in creating these comprehensive plans. Allan continued to advocate for the building of an environmental education centre on the reserve. A separate trust was established with plans drawn up for the centre and is sitting currently with Auckland Council.
Allan has been the main driving force behind the Friends of Mangemangeroa. With his skills in diplomacy and drive, encouraging and bringing together the various groups by representing the Friends at Local Board hearings and refusing to be deterred by setbacks. Serious health concerns and hospitalisation impelled Allan to retire as chairman of The Friends of Mangemangeroa Society at the AGM 2022. Sadly, Allan passed away on 1 June 2022